F1 Silverstone anyone have a copy? GP on Speed

james accordino ssgacc at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 21 11:56:38 EDT 2003

Scanned through til Wed. 3am.  No replay.  Plenty of
NASCAR though.

Jim Accordino
guess you had to see it "live"

--- Suffolk GameServer LAN
<suffolk.associates at verizon.net> wrote:
> Okay I'm intrigued.
> Anyone have a copy of are they going to replay this
> during the week?
> -Scott in BOSTON admitting I watched NASCAR after
> some rally while working.
> NHIS is the course we use for NEQ DE's.
> Yup, this was definitely one of the wildest Road
> Races of ANY kind in
> years!
> Probably  the best comment: "I'd take ONE of these
> passes for any 20 in
> NASCAR where they just go driving by...."
> For the sake of other lister's whom have either
> taped or TIVO's the race
> for later, don't spill the beans.

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