'90 avant roof rack removal

KUNZ,BOB (HP-Boise,ex1) bob.kunz at hp.com
Tue Jul 22 21:55:59 EDT 2003

After all that, it's supposed to "rock back and forth to lift it off". If
you had such trouble with the grab screws, the whole thing could be rusted
together on the front and back mounts. More Liquid Wrench??? And let it


'86 5ks avant
'02 TTQR

scott miller [mailto:macatawa at hotmail.com] wrote:
> Any tips?  I've removed the stainless bolts and setscrews with EZ-out,
> impact wrench, and hacksaw.  After all that it won't lift off.  Hoping to
> get it black oxide coated.
> Scott Miller
> Holland, MI
> '90 200qa

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