howling after T-belt job?

David duandcc_forums at
Wed Jul 23 11:44:25 EDT 2003

Would it being off center cause a warbling (turkey gobble) like sound? or a constant screech?


> From: "Tom Nestor" <tnestor1 at>
> Date: 2003/07/23 Wed AM 10:17:34 EDT
> To: "David" <duandcc_forums at>,  <quattro at>
> Subject: Re: howling after T-belt job?
> The T-belt is either too tight or it has walked off center and is rubbing on
> something. This is actually pretty common on a T-belt job on the 20 valve
> motors. The t-belt tends to rub slightly against the valve cover if it is
> not carefully centered on all pullys.
> Tom Nestor

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