87 5KCSQT - Bearing replaced - now antilock brake light issues...

David Balbirona dbalbirona at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 24 01:49:13 EDT 2003

Hi all,

Thanks to everyone with input for replacing the bearing.  The car is quieter
than it ever has been since I started driving it, too cool!!!

Now for the inevitable bad news, this new found success has not come without
a price.  Occaisionally the brake pedal is very stiff - usually just after
starting the car and driving a short distance.  Also the yellow "antilock
off" warning light comes on.  I can make it go off by pressing the antilock
button off then back on.  The warning light will then go off.  However,
there is no antilock action.  I can lock up the brakes with no problems.  I
think that the speed sensor may be the issue here or there is something else
that needs to be reset.  I reused the existing pads as they were not in need
of replacement.  Anyone else had these problems before and is this an easy


--David Balbirona
Renton, WA

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