CIS-E3 Fuel Distributor & cold start injector port

ben swann benswann at
Wed Jul 23 23:42:17 EDT 2003


The picture helps a lot - looks like I got it right in the first place.

The engine and harness and entire CIS-E3 setup are from an 87.5 GT
coupe.  Everything fits great in the 4000 so far.

Regarding the harness wiring, I have been having difficulty determining
the harness connections - even though the Bently diagrams are somewhat
committed to memory, at least consulted frequently, the
changeover/differences in the harness wiring that interfaces with the
car is difficult to nail down - even some of the similar looking
connectors have wires in different pins or are different color/guage.
The wiring diagrams don't necessarily show things from a harness
perspective and connectors like T4f/2 doesn't tell me much even when I
look up location and type.

What I enquired about is what is not clear and perhaps someone has BTDT.

----- Original Message -----
From: Huw Powell <audi at>
Date: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 8:37 pm
Subject: Re: CIS-E3 Fuel Distributor & cold start injector port

> > I've been installing NG engine with CIS-E3 fuel injection into
> '87 4000
> > quattro, and am now hooking up the fuel injection.
> >
> > All the lines for the injectors had been disconnected from the fuel
> > distributor/metering head.  Now I'm screwing them back in again
> and am
> > trying to get them lined up pretty so lines dont cross, etc.
> >
> > More importantly, is one of the ports on the metering head
> especially> for the cold start injector?  This distributor
> actually uses all 6 of
> > the fuel injector ports - shouldn't one be supplying system pressure
> > for cold start injector?
> there are some pix here, I think you can follow the lines and see
> which
> ones go where, etc.:
> PS, while asking about those harness issues, you neglected to tell
> us
> which car the harness came out of - there are at least three
> possibilities (87.5 coupe, 80/90, and 100).  Of course, my answer
> would
> have been... memorize the Bentley diagrams... hope you got it
> figured
> out in the end, be sure to post your solutions once you know them.
> The
> tiresome job of the trailblazer...
> --
> Huw Powell

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