KH and MC turbo conversion tidbit
maytagasm at
Fri Jul 25 02:34:16 EDT 2003
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just in case anyone is ever wondering in the future the KH and MC flywheels are identical.
well... i dont know about identical... but i have a 90 flywheel with a KH TDC marking pin installed,
and a blob of paint at the 0 mark and they match up exact for the MC.
and if anyone searching the audifans archive is wondering KH or MC i recommend MC hands down.
but... sometimes you can find KHs way cheaper... so if you want to go that way just get an MC turbo
and you have a great engine. i loved my KH with full K26...
im still doubtful that my car with the MC will pull as hard through first and second with the lower compression.
the KH was pretty matched to a neon through first and second and by third it was goodnight...
im guessing now the neon will have the edge in first and second but not by much, but i think ill be even
faster in 3rd.
actually scratch that... i was just looking at hp, torque graph comparrisons and i think it will be slightly
faster through every speed.
the MC should be a good upgrade though...
but dont scoff at that KH... just scoff at the KH's turbo.
hoping to see more 80/90tqs on the road or the rally.
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