87.5 CGT question

JShadzi at aol.com JShadzi at aol.com
Tue Jul 29 02:30:13 EDT 2003

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Ben, a .5mm BL/BR wire comes out of the MFTS for the temp gauge, pin 1T.  Pin
2/R goes to the AC control Unit,  3/+ is track 15 12v, and pin 4C goes to the
overheat light on the dash console.  Yes, I'm sure about the MFTS, this is a
standard CIS3 part, but, you can just as easily use the 4kq sender if you're
not using the CIS3 Autocheck system.


In a message dated 7/28/2003 10:21:57 PM Pacific Standard Time,
benswann at comcast.net writes:

> Tony, Javad,
> Thanks for the replies.  The harness connections facilitate the black
> one, so I can install that in the upper port.
> Are we sure about the T44 MTFS - there is no connector or proper no. of
> wires for that.  I'll check again when I'm fresh to see if that makes
> sense, but I have at most 2 wires that could be used for the MTFS.
> Also,  trying to figure out where the Brown/blue wire which routes
> somewhere to the fuse panel - has a nice little connector at the end.
> Bently indicates it would go to the nuetral safety switch.  I assume
> that is for automatic tranmission cars.  Do I connect this to ground or
> leave disconnected?
> So far I have determined the Black Round/barrel 4 pinconnector wires
> are for power except the G/Bl one -
> B/Bl 1.5  +
> B   1.0  +
> G/R  2.5  +
> The rest I am still trying to match up.
> Thanks,
> Ben
> http://www.homestead.com/ben_swann/NGwiring.html

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