87.5 CGT question
ben swann
benswann at comcast.net
Tue Jul 29 02:21:47 EDT 2003
Tony, Javad,
Thanks for the replies. The harness connections facilitate the black
one, so I can install that in the upper port.
Are we sure about the T44 MTFS - there is no connector or proper no. of
wires for that. I'll check again when I'm fresh to see if that makes
sense, but I have at most 2 wires that could be used for the MTFS.
Also, trying to figure out where the Brown/blue wire which routes
somewhere to the fuse panel - has a nice little connector at the end.
Bently indicates it would go to the nuetral safety switch. I assume
that is for automatic tranmission cars. Do I connect this to ground or
leave disconnected?
So far I have determined the Black Round/barrel 4 pinconnector wires
are for power except the G/Bl one -
B/Bl 1.5 +
B 1.0 +
G/R 2.5 +
The rest I am still trying to match up.
---- Original Message -----
From: Tony Lum <tlum at flash.net>
Date: Tuesday, July 29, 2003 0:00 am
Subject: Re: 87.5 CGT question
Ben, the NG uses a 14mm bottom port for the multi-function temp sender,
that feeds the coolant gauge, etc. The NG uses a dual temp sender, one
pin is for the fuel system, the other for the ignition system, and that
has 10mm threads that fit right in the top. Thus, you need to likely
get yourself a MFTS for the coolant gauge to make it work, or build a
spacer for the bottom to fit the 10mm threads, you could use an old
wheel bolt or even oil pan bolt and drill/tap the center for 10mm.
In a message dated 7/28/2003 8:30:37 PM Pacific Standard Time,
benswann at comcast.net writes:
I'm trying to make sure I am using the correct sensors on the cooling
neck of my 87.5 NG engine which is now installed in an'87 4kq.
I purchased a sensor for the NG 87.5 GT COupe NTC Thermo sender, but it
does not have the same thread size as the one on the bottom of the neck
off the 4kq. Not sure whether I have the right cooling neck. The
thermo sensor/sender for the NG was black and the one for the 4kq is
white. The NG replacement would fit in the top port, but then I'd lose
the temp guage.
So I am trying to find out what is supposed to be on the cooling neck
87.5 GT engine.
> Hi Ben,
> The CIS-E III system uses a dual temp sensor in the upper hose
outlet and is black. One pin of the sensor runs the fuel ecu and the
other runs the ignition ecu. The white sensor used in the 4kq is a
gauge sensor and the overheat switch. The proper sensor for the
bottom of the upper outlet is the standard (crappy) multifunction (MF)
sensor used on the T44 cars. They also fail the same way. The temp
gauge is run by a single terminal sensor in front of the #1 cylinder.
> HTH,
> -Tony
> '80 5KS
> 83 urquattro #DA900302
> '85 4kq
> '87 5kcstq
> '87.5 coupe GT
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