Wiring harnes swap for CIS-E3 (or other)

ben swann benswann at comcast.net
Tue Jun 3 10:54:15 EDT 2003

I have resumed the installation of an NG engine and CIS-E3 into an '87
4000 CS quattro - "project GTQ" which has been on the back burner for
some time.

I plan to swap the CIS-E harness out for the CIS-E3 one I got with the
engine.  I am trying to find some BTDT regarding this as I believe this
is not trivial.  Any tips?

MC-1/MAC-11 turbo conversion swaps are also relevant, as I expect this
will be similar.  Also, not to go off on tangent, but related, I plan
to install an MC-1 with MAC-11 ECU into an '83 Ur Quattro soon.  This
seems like it may be even more confounding as the car has the old style
bar fuse panel.  I am also considering updating the wiring in that car
to wiring and fuse panels I've extracted from an '87 4000 quattro.  Any
merit to this, or should I leave well enough alone.  My recall is that
the '85 on wiring is much better and the car would be better if I can
do this properly.

But first I need to get this NG swap over with!

TIA for replies - hope to have "project GTQ" finished soon.  See for
outdated but relevant details - the car has changed to a '87, but the
objective has not: http://www.homestead.com/ben_swann/files/GTQswap.txt

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