Phantom Lifter Noise

Nate Stuart newt at
Thu Jun 5 21:00:05 EDT 2003

Yeah, mine still tick after a run, but they were loads louder before
adding the oil. No leaks anywhere yet, 1/4" may have been exagerating,
1/8" or so is what I'm currently at. I was over guestimatng the size of
the hashed area on the stick apparantly (after last posting I was under
the hood checking something else, and double checked the oil). I've been
running M1 15w50 in it right from the start.

'89 90tq

JShadzi at said:
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> Nate, this is pretty common in my car too, like after a hard 30 minutes at
> Laguna Seca for example.  Coming off the track the lifters will tick
> pretty good
> at idle, I think its more oil temp related however, or going to a thicker
> viscocity would probably help too.  I'd be a little concerned with that
> much oil
> in the pan with the crank or some of the crank seals getting submerged in
> oil,
> just watch for leaks, etc.
> Javad
> In a message dated 6/5/2003 4:03:35 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> newt at writes:
>> How is your oil level? After a recent oil change the 90 ticked like
>> crazy
>> after a run through the autocross course, the oil was just a smidge
>> below
>> the max fill line. I added some before the following run, putting it
>> ~1/4"
>> above that mark and haven't had that problem since. My lifters haven't
>> gone berserk yet as it sounds yours are. They just clatter like mad for
>> ~30 secs after the run if the oil isn't topped up....
>> -Nate
>> '89 90tickedyq

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