low cost Audi parts

Wally Choate wallychoate at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 6 18:41:56 EDT 2003

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
I came accross another new and aftermarket parts dealer, website "apluspart=
s=2Ecom, contact saspart at aol.com , to consider when ordering parts for Euro=
pean and Asian cars.  They advertise over $250 million in stock and the UPS=
 shipment from Florida to California in 3 days cost less than what the stat=
e tax would have been.

History:  I had a loud creak in the front right suspension of my 1997 A8 th=
at I could not positively locate.  The Audi dealer said it was a worn bushi=
ng on the suspension control arm causing a metal on metal rubbing sound.  A=
 few days later they installed the $398.05 control arm, $36 worth of bolts =
and nuts, $215.60 labor, and a required 4 wheel alignment at $150.
As luck would have it, driving home that night, I heard the first peep out =
of the left side that developed into the same creaking within a few weeks. =
 But fortunately I kept the old control arm and determined that the the bal=
l joint was the problem.
The new control arm from Smittys (above website) was only $112.46 so why ev=
en try to mess with trying to locate the ball joint only and pressing it in=
to my "spare".
I found a short term fix that may also come in handy for someone else.  I t=
ook syringe left over from flushing the socket of a tooth extraction, fille=
d it with CV joint grease, poked a hole in the left balljoint rubber boot w=
ith an awel and forced in as much greaseas I could.  The creak disappeared =
within days and the control arm still sits on the back burner of my bench.

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