S6 question

bob.rossato at att.net bob.rossato at att.net
Fri Jun 6 19:13:41 EDT 2003

Yes.  The fluttering is due to a failed Bypass Valve.  The diaphragm is
probably torn and the BPV is not opening between shifts.  The factory BPVs are
$25.  There are aftermarket ones from Forge or Stratmosphere, but they are in
the $120 -$140 range, as I recall.  Some people have had bad luck with the
factory ones, but mine has lasted 3 years so far.  And given the cost disparity
I can't justify the aftermarket ones based on my experiences.


> Hey all...
> A friend of mine was in the market for an S6 wagon, so I helped him
> check one out a couple of weeks ago.  Now I'm in the market too :)
> Anyone want to buy a nice 1990 200TQA?
> The S6 we tried out was all stock (not even chipped, and the
> headlights had just been replaced with more stock DOT headlights --
> does the 1995.5 S6 have good DOT lights?).
> The only oddity we noticed was that during shifts (as in, give it gas,
> then take foot off gas) there was a foosh-foosh-foosh-foosh stuttering
> sound (the different fooshes within much less than a second of
> each-other).  I'd ignorantly speculate that this sounds like a tear in
> a BOV hose or some such, but I didn't think the S6 had such a beast.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks much!
> -Ben
> --
> Ben Pearre          1990 200TQA          http://hebb.mit.edu/~ben

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