cold start problems - continued + throttle body ports

ben swann benswann at
Fri Jun 6 23:53:50 EDT 2003

If you have open throttle body ports, you have a nice air leak and will
definatly cause hard starting - unmetered air problems.

To the best of my knowledge and I am still trying to confirm, one port
goes to the carbon canister shutoff valve - I think that is the one on
the manifold side of the throttle body, but may have it backwards.  The
other towards the airflow meter side goes( this is what I am trying to
confirm) to a port on the bottom of the air filter box.  I am trying
tofind out what this does, perhaps some kind of
deceleration/acceleration trick using the venturi effect but thats a

You can safely block of both for testin to see if that helps resove the
problem, but there is probably something else wrong too.

If someone can confirm what the two throttle body ports are for NG/NF
it would help.  I went the extra effort to dig up one of these which
are different the the 4kq with only a single port that goes to the
carbon canister shutoff valve.

laying out the vacuum and wiring, etc. for NG installation in 4kq.

Date: Fri, 06 Jun 2003 14:25:25 -0400
From: Huw Powell <audi at>
Reply-To: audi at
To: Steve Ensch <ensch1 at>, audifans <quattro at>
Subject: Re: cold start problems - continued

> It is a 1990, 90.  The WOT switch is on top of the throttle body -
> Well on this car the finger is broken off - this is a problem, I
> this was just a switch to shut off the A/C compressor when under load.

It provides for enrichment when you push the loud pedal past a certain
point.  Not sure about the AC thing.

>  The
> fuel mixture has never been adjusted.  In regards to leaks I have not
> any but there are two small holes on the side (facing front) of the
> body that are not connected to anything.

I remember seeing that comment now, just didn't reply to it yet... On
the versions of this engine I have seen, both of those little ports are
closed off with rubber caps.  Try that and see what happens.

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