urq fuseboxes (suck)

Brady Moffatt bradym at sympatico.ca
Wed Jun 11 17:17:41 EDT 2003


You HAVE the Bentley for an 83 urq. It's the red 84-87 CGT/4K/4kq/urq one.
I've used 84 urq wiring diagrams so far with no problems. There are some
diagrams in the Intro Service Manual, but I don't think they're any better
or really very different from those in the Bentley.

Good luck!

Brady Moffatt
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
83 UrQuattro with 53,000 miles
86 4ksq with 310,000km
86 4ksq parts car
72 Datsun 240Z with 180,000 miles
92 VW Golf with 200,000km FOR SALE
in middle stages of quattrosis accumulatus

----- Original Message -----
From: "ben swann" <benswann at comcast.net>


> I'll have fun sorting this one out - NOT!  Who has the best deal on the
> Bently for this car - I'll take a used one, as long as the wiring
> diagrams are intact.
> Ben

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