urq fuseboxes (suck)

ben swann benswann at comcast.net
Wed Jun 11 16:36:39 EDT 2003


Thanks for the reply.  What you describe summarizes somewhat what I'm

I did Identify that the pump itself is seized with a dead short to
ground, indicating that the fuse is probably blown.  Just havent been
able to locate it yet.

I did locate a fuseblock mounted on top of the main panel that had the
green wires with a yellow stripe, but the guage is not the same as the
one going too the pump, and no way it is a 16Amp fuze and it wasn't
blown.  Tried tracing the wires out the back of the block - seem to
correspond to what the '82 coupe diagram - blue multi-wire connector
and I see the red/white wire - so it must changeover to green/yellow.

Anyway the pump needs replacement.  Already drained the varnish out of
the tank and even sloshed some fresh gas and drained.  I am going to
purge the entire fuel system with fresh gas, which now has turned into
fuel pump and wiring.

I'll have fun sorting this one out - NOT!  Who has the best deal on the
Bently for this car - I'll take a used one, as long as the wiring
diagrams are intact.

----- Original Message -----
From: Derek L <4ktq at myrealbox.com>
Date: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 2:51 pm
Subject: urq fuseboxes (suck)

> Ben,
> IIRC, the fuel pump relay on the '83 urq is not in the fusebox
> itself but on a seperate relay holder nearby.  It's one of four and
is on the end of the > relay holder.  The power wire from the relay to
the pump is yellow/green and snakes around a bit near the fusebox
before heading under the  carpet by the driver's door sill.
> Fuse S-31 may easily be in a seperate fuse/relay holder as well.
> I remember  there being a bunch of them spread throuought the car.
> The MAC02 had only two or three wires to the fusebox area.  Power
> via a > black wire, ground, and probably FPR ground controll.  It was
> really easy to  remove it.
> Hope this helps.  This is what I remember from shoving a MAC07a
> into an '83  urq a few months back.  I was able to manage using
the '84 Coupe  diagrams in > the 4000 Bentley.
> Good luck!
> -Derek

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