[urq] Re: Circuit Diagram for '83 Quattro Coupe

Michael S. Williams mike at borderlinemotorsports.com
Thu Jun 12 22:52:41 EDT 2003

At 9:12 PM -0700 6/11/03, urq wrote:
>A few ury owners have installed a relay
>and fuse in this location as a load reduction relay ... you can't beat
>getting power directly from the battery for the fuel pump.

i actually just did this today... it was really simple actually...

there was a 1+ volt drop at this connector, so the fuel pump was only
seeing about 9.3 volts with the car on.

now, with the relay there, it is seeing about 13.6 volts... quite the

im still fine tuning mine (though, idunno, maybe it's running great
now, but it's been too long for me to remember exactly what it's
supposed to feel like...)

The solution is obvious.  We all have to become dumber. -Jon Rappoport

So crucify the ego, before it's far too late
To leave behind this place so negative and blind and cynical,
And you will come to find that we are all one mind
Capable of all that's imagined and all conceivable. - TooL, Reflection

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