Exploding Rotors: why you do not drill

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Fri Jun 20 20:14:17 EDT 2003

I'm not inclined to blame the rotors.  Pure conjecture unless you can
inspect the strut, caliper and related items.  Most likely a stuck,
overheated caliper caused the disk to break apart, IMHO.  Plenty of other
scenarios besides disk failure are possible, any of which would have
trashed a "normal" platter too.


TM <t44tq at mindspring.com> writes:
> If they were Zimmermans, I wouldn't say it is commonplace for
> this to happen- I've had a few friends with Zimmerman drilled
> rotors and they have had no problems.
> There is obvious cracking- why didn't someone catch this during
> trackside tech?

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