FYI: good audi wrench in L.A.

Chris Dyer chrisdyer at
Sat Jun 21 10:47:59 EDT 2003

FINALLY after five friggin years of searching...There's a good, thorough
wrench in L.A. Stuttgart on Westgate Ave. in West L.A. Very friendly, but
buy your parts from Rod--they're happy to install. This is the first shop
here I've seen that wants to build relationships, not just shuffle bays. I
know at least one of their techs drives an Audi.  (They're also AAA approved
[whatever THAT is] and a BMW/Porsche shop.)

I had a cold idle and too-high-idle-when-hot problem for 2 stupid years;
mis-diagnosed by 3 previous Audi guys; many a CIS part replaced to no avail.
  Stuttgart poked it, then adjusted an air meter (?) spring. Runs like new.

from chrisdyer at

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