DeWitt Harrison Six-Rs at attbi.com
Sat Jun 21 12:29:37 EDT 2003

Euro plate brackets were never made for USA style bumpers
afaik. No reason to have done so. Two completely different
bumper designs. Few if any USA front bumpers in Europe. In
fact, if memory serves, no bracket is required to mount a
European plate to a Euro front bumper as it has a built-in
mount pocket for that purpose.

DeWitt Harrison
'88 5kcstq

On Fri, 20 Jun 2003 17:30:55 EDT, JordanVw at aol.com wrote:

> hard to believe nobody knows where to get one of these things.. didnt all
> countries in europe have front plates?
> nobody from europe on this list?
> ------------------snip------------------
> wanted:  type44 european front liscence plate mount.   this is the slender
> long mount not the short rectangular north american one.
> let me know if you have one or know where one is.
> thanks

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