Need AC parts

Erik Addy erikaddy at
Mon Jun 23 17:14:36 EDT 2003


Today I was trying to convert my 89 200tq to R134a.
I have not had usable AC for several years due to the
R-12 dumping out via a couple of bad switch seals.

While adding R134a with the engine running and
compressor turning, I suddendly got very loud
screeching, which I assume was my compressor grenading
and belt squeeling. Right?  I shut the engine off

So, what the latest source on cheap reman compressors
(with clutch)?  Anyone have a used (known good) one
they want to sell?  I suppose I'll need a drying and
orifice insert as well.  Didn't someone mention a
variable orifice valve?

Not looking forward to flushing the system...


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