Canadian sources for o2 sensors - info

cobram at cobram at
Wed Jun 25 14:14:49 EDT 2003

As another lister pointed out, ask for a Bosch 13913, cut off the
connector and splice it in.

In the highly unlikely scenario that they can't look it up, ask for the
Bosch sensor for a 1986 5.0 V8 Thunderbird.  Should be around the Neihoff
price (in multicolored currency.)

I wouldn't go with anything but the Bosch.


"Livolsi, Stephane" <Stephane.Livolsi at> writes:

> I made some calls today for 02 sensor for 89 Taurus and came up with
> this.
> Thought I'd share for Canadian listers:
> Canadian Tire has Neihoff brand for $57.33
> FLAPS has Neihoff for $61.75
> FLAPS has Echlin for $71.09
> FLAPS has Blue Streak for $81.63
> Ford dealer has Motorcraft (made by Bosch) for $150

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