Generic o2 sensor Bosch - part number?

Lino M. Valadas l.valadas at
Wed Jun 25 23:22:47 EDT 2003

There's no such thing as a generic Bosch O2 sensor.  You have to make it
generic by cutting the plug of the cheapest one you can find and splice it
to your own plug.  I do recommend sticking to Bosch for our Audis.  I used
one for a Mustang 5.0 litre on my S4. It works fine.

Ironically, in Toronto, Canadian tire sells Bosch sensors starting at
CAD$30.  However I tried to go to the counter and asking for the $30 unit.
The guy behind the counter insisted on the model of the car I was buying it
for and could not tell me which sensor sold for $30.  Very frustrating.  If
anybody works for Canadian Tire or knows someone who works there, can you
tell us which three wire sensor sells for CAD$30?  Once we know, this IS the
generic sensor.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Zsolt" <zsolt1 at>
To: "John Larson" <j.d.larson at>
Cc: <cobram at>; <quattro at>
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2003 3:07 PM
Subject: Re: Generic o2 sensor Bosch - part number?

> Ok, having established that there is a generic one in existence. What is
> the part number? When I was trying to locate one there was no one who
> could find it for me.
> Thanks,
>  Zsolt
> John Larson wrote:
> >Just looked in the new catalog.  I am in error.  (I haven't looked at the
> >catalog/literature part of my mail in about 2 months.  Getting ready for
> >participating in our wedding is my excuse, and I'm standing by it!)
> >DOES now list a number of "universal" multiple wire O2 sensors.  They are
> >NOT the ones of which many on the list seem so enamoured. The search here
> >based on "cheap = it'll be fine".  The ones listed for our cars are still
> >expensive.  I stand corrected on my position (I'm better informed now),
> >I still won't use or advocate the cheap so-called "generic" replacements
> >made to fit Fords.  John
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: <cobram at>
> >To: <j.d.larson at>
> >Cc: <quattro at>
> >Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2003 11:12 AM
> >Subject: Re: Generic o2 sensor Bosch. -what about neihoff?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >>Funny, because I get the same Bosch literature, most of it is just
> >>marketing, we must be in two different regions.  I've never seen this
> >>mentioned about the 3 wire sensors.  When I look at the actual sensor,
> >>and see the same Bosch root numbers,  I would assume the similarities
> >>more than cosmetic.  I could be wrong.
> >>
> >>I guess you didn't get the flier last year, I have it here in front of
> >>me, quoting Bosch:
> >>"Bosch Universal Heated Oxygen Sensors provide the closest match to
> >>original equipment manufacturers' sensor performance."  There is a
> >>picture of the sensor and a VW in the background.  Waterproof wire
> >>splicers included.
> >>
> >>What people decide to use or not to I could care less,  they could put a
> >>spark plug in there if they're so inclined as far as I'm concerned, but
> >>the facts is the facts.
> >>
> >>BCNU,
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>"John Larson" <j.d.larson at> writes:
> >>
> >>
> >>>Even in the single wire sensors there are more than one "universal
> >>>sensors".
> >>>There are design differences in the multiple wire sensors (even if
> >>>they appear to be the same, visually), and Bosch makes that very clear
> >>>
> >>>
> >>in
> >>
> >>
> >>>their literature (the stuff Bosch service and parts people get in the
> >>>
> >>>
> >>mail
> >>
> >>
> >>>every month) and training classes.  You chose to believe what you will,
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>it's OK with me.  I'll base my opinion on the information I have, and
> >>>that'll have to be OK with you.  My customers will continue to get the
> >>>
> >>>
> >>real
> >>
> >>
> >>>thing, and I'll have the peace of mind that I can eliminate one
> >>>
> >>>
> >>variable in
> >>
> >>
> >>>the diagnostic/repair process.  John
> >>>
> >>>
> >>________________________________________________________________
> >>The best thing to hit the internet in years - Juno SpeedBand!
> >>Surf the web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER!
> >>Only $14.95/ month - visit to sign up today!
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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