subframe/tranny mount write up for type 44

Ron Wainwright ron_01056 at
Wed Mar 12 13:13:55 EST 2003


  After doing my subframe and tranny mounts last
weekend and after seeing a few listers asking about
subframe R&R I thought I'd do this write up.
1) get a spair subframe from a wrecker (I got mine
from Chris at Force5) allso got subframe bushings and
tranny mounts from him, part # for the 2 front
bushings are 443 399 415 cost $22 for the pair, part #
for the 2 rear bushings are 443 399 419 cost $28 for
the pair, & the 2 tranny mounts are part # 431 399
151D cost $44 for the pair.
2) You can take out some frustration by ponding out
the old bushings,
then I took the spair subframe to get sand blasted and
poweder coated Black.
3) I then took the new looking subframe to my local
Audi dealer to get the new bushings pressed in, ( I
did this cause the Audi tech is a friend of mine) plus
he did it for free. Allso the bushings have to be
pressed in a sertain way so if you just take it to a
machine shop or such make sure you bring you'r Bentley
so the guy can reference it.
4) Now that thats taken care of i'd think about
getting new nuts and bolts for the subframe and tranny
mounts. I got new subframe to undercarrige bolts there
are 4 part # N 902 742 02, I allso got new tranny
mount bolts there are 2 part # N 010 472 11 and 2 nuts
part # N 022 167 1. I allso may have went a little
overboard but I got the 4 bolts and nuts that hold the
tranny mounts to the subframe part # for the bolts are
N 010 240 16, and for the nuts N 022 146 4, plus the
metal stops for the tranny mounts there are 2 part #
is 431 399 291. I got all nuts and bolts at the dealer
for around $45-$50 (friendly prices)

 Now the fun starts,
5) loosen the lug bolts for the front tires and jack
up the car and place jack stands on the frame rails on
each side,
6) take off tires and and start with the stabalizer
bar, undo the 2 big nuts at the end of each side of
the bar, should be a 24mm.
7) then do the stabalizer bar bushings there are 4
nuts and bolts, there 17mm, then manuver the bar out
from the controll arms.
8) place a small jack stand under the tranny and push
it in ther so it's snug (when you undo the subframe
from the car the tranny might want to drop a little
and put undo strain on the engine mounts) so I did it
just to be safe.
9) then undo the controll arms from the strut housing
and use a big bar to get the controll arm ends out of
the housing, use the subframe as a end point for the
bar then push down. It might take a bit of coaxing.
10) then undo the 2 tranny mount bolts there 17mm, the
pass side mount is hidden by a metal heat or dust
shield the bolts that attatch it are 6 or 7mm.
11) then do the 4 subframe bolts there 19mm that
should do it.
12) then bring the old subframe and undo the controll
arm nuts and bolts while the subframe is on the ground
(unless you'r going to use new ones)
13) then undo the tranny mount nuts and bolts so you
can reuse the old washers there 13mm (no need to spend
any more $)
14) put the 4 new tranny mount nuts and bolts (with
the old washers) on the new subframe (but only put
them on loosley so when you put the subframe back up
the 2 tranny bolts will line up)
15) put the 4 subframe bolts in and loosley attatch
the subframe to the undercarrige.
16) put the controll arms back in the subframe and put
the old nuts, bolts and washers in and tighten them
down to 63(ft lb), then put the stabalizer bar ends
into the controll arms it might take a bit of coaxing
to do this but it will go in.
17) then attatch the 4 nuts and bolts for the
stabalizer bar rubber mounts loosley and the 2 bar end
nuts and cupped washers
18) put in the 2 tranny mount bolts and nuts once
those go in you can tighten down the 4 nuts and bolts
that hold the tranny mounts to the subframe those are
15(ft lb)
19) then put the controll arm (ball joint) into the
bottom side of the strut housing and tighten down
those nuts and bolts to 48(ft lb) plus a 1/4 turn.
20) then put the tires back on and lower the car to
the ground and tighten down the loose nuts and bolts.
The lugs for the tires are 80(ft lb)
 At this point the car will have settled on the ground
and you can torque down the rest of the nuts and
 The subframe bolts are 48(ft lb) plus a 1/4 turn,
 The tranny bolts are 30(ft lb)
 The stabalizer bar rubber mounts are 77(ft lb)
 The stabalizer bar end nuts are 81(ft lb)
 That should be it.

 A few other things are the nuts and bolts that I
reused I cleaned with some WD-40 and a wire brush to
clean them.
 I allso used a bit of Blue locktight just to be safe.
 Hope this helps anyone who needs it.
87 5ksq many mods
90 200tqa many mods

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