Vacuum leaks on 4kq

David duandcc_forums at
Mon Mar 17 10:07:09 EST 2003

If I try to remove the dipstick on my car, the engine runs terribly. if I try removing the oil cap, it stalls instantly. And I do not have a turbo I5. Sounds to me, like you may have some pretty big vacuum leks and the PO "tuned" it to run with the leaks...

1987 CGT Special Build
SE Virginia

> From: Thor Heglund <thorkq at>
> Date: 2003/03/16 Sun PM 08:06:30 EST
> To: CTDiesel at
> CC: quattro at
> Subject: Re: Vacuum leaks on 4kq
> CTDiesel at wrote:
> > Is it true if you pull the oil dipstick out or pull the oil filler cap there
> > should be a big engine lag from the caused vacuum leak?
> >
> > Mine doesnt change at all.
> >
> > TIA
> > DJ
> >
> Only with turbo engines, I think.
> Thor
> 85 4kq

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