AAN ECU Internal Schematic

Mihnea Cotet mik at info.fundp.ac.be
Tue Mar 18 07:41:35 EST 2003


IMHO, finding information on how to program the ECU's chips is easier than
finding an internal schematic, of whatever 20vt ECU...

Good luck though, maybe someone has this for you (and I'd like to have a
copy thereof myself as well in this case)



At 19:38 17/03/2003 -0500, Frank de Kat wrote:
>Hello All:
>I'm trying to find a schematic diagram of the INTERNAL circuitry of the ECU
>used on the 1993-1997
>S4/S6 models, for the AAN code motor (No distributor).
>Not a diagram showing how the ECU is hooked up, but the schematic of the
>internals of the ECU itself.
>Any thoughts as to where one may find such a diagram?
>Frank de Kat
>fdekat at sentex.net
>Dundas, Ontario, Canada
>(To see the "Rally Pictures")

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