strut bearings....

Dave Hord spokes at
Wed Mar 19 08:04:21 EST 2003


The upper strut bearing is surrounded by a rubber bushing, and collectively is
known as the 'upper strut bushing'

Worn upper strut bushings will most certainly affect the cars ability to hold
an alignment. Unfortunetly, the popping sound you've been hearing isn't a sign
that the strut bushing is 'going' but rather a sign that the strut bushing
is 'shot'.

Really bad upper strut bushings will allow the top of the strut to visibly move
around...BTDT, many times.

IMHE, when the upper strut bushings fail the car begins to settle downwards,
and the camber increases.  The insides of the tires wear out quite quick.  When
I first bought my 90q, not knowing about the common upper strut-bushing
problem, I couldn't figure out what the popping noise from the front was. I was
later rewarded with one tire down to the steel belt on the inside.

It sounds to me as though your upper strut bushings should have been replaced
when you had your turbo gas struts installed.  FWIW, anytime you have the
struts taken out of the car, replace the upper strut bushings...they're a
known 'wear' item, and are an inexpensive _part_, especially if the strut is
already out.

I hope this helps, I can't give you any idea on labour prices for the job...i
suggest you check the list of quality mechanics on the website.


86 4ksq 266,600km new to me as of March 5th 2003... will it stick around??
89 90q  330,000km as of Feb 26th.
Rally Conversion...perpetually in progress...
Roll cage shots available at:

Quoting Stacy Anable <qturbo at>:

> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> Just got back from sears. was going to get my 86 5ktq aligned....they called
> me back shortly after getting the car on the lift. "strut bearings are shot"
> showed me the sound they were making.  i watched the spring kind of stutter
> while it was turning.  I had known they were going for awhile now. been
> making a kinda growling/popping noise when turning the wheel while
> stationary.
> My question is...could this affect the cars ability to hold an alignment? and
> also, a friend who is a mercedes tech said it was odd that we could see the
> strut moving (watching the nut at the top of the strut) when we turned the
> wheel. is this normal?
> Also what should it cost for a independant shop to replace the strut
> bearings? would do it myself, but i don't have any good spring compressors.
> and one more cars camber is enough off that over the last year my
> tires have gone bald on the insides. last time i had an alignment it was 2
> days after installing new boge turbo gas struts. i am thinking that the
> camber is off because the struts have "broken in". i notice that now the car
> is a bit lower then right after i changed the struts.
> thanks
> Stacy
> --

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