Autobahn Blue anti-freeze needs a replacement

Al S zeus83858 at
Wed Mar 19 01:51:25 EST 2003


>what *do* they spec for a change interval, anyway>

“Cooling system – check coolant level and add if necessary” Bentley/Audi
This is for 7,500, 15,000, 30,00, 45,000 and 60,000 miles.
So I would conclude that all you do is “add” for the life of the car.
So to answer your questions “what *do* they spec for a change interval,
anyway?” I see they don’t spec anything for a change interval. Is this false
advertising? Has anyone seen any tests about how long a good brand name
coolant should last?

>I just don't see an $18 jug of coolant every few years>
 When it was $11 two years ago, I see that as quite a rise in price. Most
dealers gouge us too much. So that is why I was looking for an equivalent at
a lesser price. However if none can be certified as equal then I shall stick
to the Blue, this is not a problem. I do believe in preventive maintenance.
I am no fool, just a tightwad.

What is the life expectancy of the hoses? Any experiences?


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