more gasoline fumes information

Ron Wainwright ron_01056 at
Sun Mar 23 05:13:07 EST 2003


  Where you describe on the pass side rear wheel whell
there is a fuel pressure accumulator and some fuel
lines run from the tank to this accumulator and then
to the front of the car,
a year ago or so I got rear ended and found a funny
gass smell as well from that area,
 while under there after the accident I found a small
pin hole leak from one of the small lines looked like
from years of New England weather the lines rusted at
the connection to the accumulator along with the
impact of the car it musta jarred a hole in the line.
 So if you want to start the car and have you're
husband look under the pass side rear tire rite under
the rear door (before the tire) there's a cylinder
looking thing with two fuel lines going to it look at
the connections to this. I replaced the accumulator
and the two hard fuel lines just to be safe the part #
for the accumulator might be different since my car is
a 5kq but the hard lines are problly the same and are
443 201 220 G fuel line and 443 201 218 G fuel line.
Hope this helps
87 5ksq many mods
90 200tqa many mods

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