Audi A3... why dont they import to US? (wasRe: Wheel size of a 2001 TTq?

Scott Fisher sfisher71 at
Wed Mar 26 14:11:12 EST 2003

--- JordanVw at wrote:
> speaking of which, why did audi never import the A3
> to the us?

Too low a profit margin, cuts into Golf sales, reduces
Audi's image as premium brand.  US buyers
traditionally associate hatchbacks with cheap economy
cars (think Pinto) while European buyers used to see
hatchbacks as slightly upscale.

Me, I've said for years that if it really was a free
country, I'd have an Alfa 156 Sportwagon for my wife
to take the kids places, an Audi S3 for getting over
the Cascades in bad weather, and a Lotus Elise for
blasting around the twisties.  But I'd be careful
saying anything like that now, lest some redneck start
frothing at the mouth.  It's just about the CARS,
guys, it's only about the CARS...

--Scott Fisher
  Tualatin, Oregon

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