quattro digest, Vol 1 #4768 - bleeder broke

Larry C Leung l.leung at juno.com
Thu Mar 27 01:13:01 EST 2003


I would try drilling out the old bleeder, BUT I'd
go with a bleeder repair kit (may have to find
a brake repair vendor) which totally replaces
the original bleeder with a drill-to-spec bleeder
screw that screws into it's own fitting. BTDT. The
biggest drawback of this type of repair is that
the bleeder screw is smaller than the original
in diameter, so vacuum bleeding can be difficult
if you don't have undersized fittings for your
vacuum bleeder. Also means you will have
to wrap the fitting for your hose if you pressure
bleed, as otherwise you'll leak BF around the
bleeder/hose connection. Considering the cost
of rear calipers (with the attendant extra cost
P-brake) you have little to lose for trying.


> Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2003 14:25:54 -0800 (PST)
> From: Ron Wainwright <ron_01056 at yahoo.com>
> Subject: bleeder screw broke/ master cylinder R&R thanks
> To: quattro at audifans.com
>   Listers,
>   I'de like to thank everyone for my earlier post on
> bleeding a new master cylinder everything went great
> as far as that goes just that when,
>  I was bleeding the driver side rear caliper the
> bleeder steam broke off,
> I was going to drill it out but I remembered I tried
> that a few years ago with very bad results. Anyone out
> there have a working rear driver side caliper for
> cheap,
>  if in the NorthEast Mass, Ct, NH'ish area I could
> drive out to get it. I blead all the others anyway and
> I couldn't get all the air out, the pedal is soft.
> This is for my 87 5kq
> Thanks
> Ron
> 87 5ksq many mods
> 90 200tqa many mods

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