alternator problems
maytagasm at
Thu Mar 27 10:58:01 EST 2003
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ok... been having tons of alternator problems... (90 amp bosch in a kh moto=
r in a 90q) first my voltage regulator died (rust... tons of brushes left) =
so i replaced it...
then with my oil cooler problems my original belt streched out and i had pr=
oblems with it... replaced the belt... then showing off i drove with sustai=
ned high revs for a bit.... this was no good... i smelled 2 seconds of burn=
ing rubber then my flywheel shot the belt off... i tried putting that sligh=
tly burned belt back on successfully and i left the car charging for 15 min=
s=2E.. came back outside after a shower and when i started it it wouldnt ch=
arge... (the belt had flipped backwards :))
put a new belt on.... and nothing...
brushes and voltage regulator SHOULD be good... months old...but ive had so=
me oil cooler leak problems with the old stock cooler... what should i try =
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