86 5ks stumble

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Sun May 4 20:05:04 EDT 2003

I had a similar problem on the 5KS many moons ago, the cat had broken
apart, and the kitty litter had made it's way down the exhaust, depending
on temp, cornering etc. the catalytic converter guts would restrict the
exhaust, and then just as suddenly open up and things would go back to
When it finally plugged up solid (yeah, I procrastinate) far from home, I
removed the O2 sensor with my trusty vice grips and made it home.

You might also want to yank, pull and push on the air intake boot at idle
and see if you get a reaction.  The boot seems to always tear somewhere
it's impossible to see.

You can get a nice fuel pressure test kit for under $60,  cheaper than
paying someone else to diagnose the system.


 pflynn11 at juno.com writes:
> I can't seem to locate the source of an intermittent problem, One day
> the car will start and run fine but the next day
> I can't get it to go over 5 mph, I checked all the usual suspects,
> wires, plugs, timing, vacuum leaks and can find nothing out of the

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