type 44 questions

Dan Cordon cord4530 at uidaho.edu
Sun May 4 18:43:29 EDT 2003

>Also, when he's been driving for some time his front brakes jam on.
>brakes remain fine. Any ideas? Anyone ever experienced the same

Wow....I thought the audi problem was unintended acceleration, not
unintended deceleration!

Seriously...I experienced this with an old VW manx I built. The problem
in that one was that the pedal travel wasn't coming back far enough to
open the front line to the reservoir. The heat built up from driving
would cause the fluid to expand and eventually nearly hault the car.

That may not be the problem, but it's a simple check to make sure the
brake pedal is coming back completely. Might want to make sure some
wiring/etc. isn't keeping it down some.

Dan Cordon
Mechanical Engineer - Engine Research Facility
University of Idaho

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