Chasing Vacuum Leaks

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Mon May 19 11:03:18 EDT 2003

At 01:05 PM 05/19/2003 +0000, l.leung at wrote:

>Patient (as I'm not...anymore) '89 200Q - Chipped 1.8 Bar
>Symptoms - hissing under boost, max boost about 1.3 bar definitely  leaking=
>  boost SOMEWHERE
>Question 4 - HOW or more precisely, WHERE does one hook up a MityVac to hop=
>efully cause enough vacuum to cause enought noise so that I can find this s=
>tinking leak?

I think you want a positive pressure test.  Try a Google search of for postings about testing for leaks with a plumbing fitting
and tire valve that allows you to pump up the hose to the intercooler to
something like 15 psi.

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