5kTQw vibration under load

Robert Deis rdeis at io.com
Wed May 21 11:59:16 EDT 2003

On Wed, 21 May 2003 auditude at cox.net wrote:

> I would suspect the driveshaft carrier bearing needed to be adjusted,

> The car has a very strong vibration under load.  Vibration seems to be
> located beneath and just forward of the driver's footwell, almost as if
> the diveshaft there was about to jump off.

Perhaps I should should have said front left axel instead- observations
about the driveshaft carrier bearing and thrown grease were accurate,
though. Does that still fit with your carrier bearing adjustment theory?

  Rob Deis                  "Let the people know beforehand what the law
  MiB3347                      is and what they are to expect."
  rdeis at io.com                              -- 18th Congress, Rec. 75

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