Undesirable Noise from rear end

Ray Rollins rollins_ray at hotmail.com
Tue May 27 23:06:29 EDT 2003

You have a bad left wheel bearing. I unfortunately blew my rear diff and
spent 12hours wishing I was dead, replacing it with a good used one from
Force5. Trust me you never ever want to replace the rear diff. It's hell to
DIY and pricey to pay someone to do it.

90 100Q
quiet diff thanks to Force5!

>From: "Greville H. Bowles" Reply-To: "Greville H. Bowles" To: "George
>Harris" , Subject: Re: Undesirable Noise from rear end Date: Tue, 27 May
>2003 21:37:52 -0400
>To add to what George has said:
>The noise becomes noticeable at about 10 -20 mph and gets progressively
>louder. At highway speeds it's way beyond annoying. I thought that the
>noise was somewhat reduced when cornering so I went out tonight to test
>this on a few local "twisty bits". On hard left cornering the sound all but
>disappears, while it is only slightly reduced when turning right.
>What do we look for next? Any & all help is appreciated.
>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mr. Greville H. Bowles RR 5 Rockwood, Ontario N0B
>2K0 CANADA zaphod at cansafe.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>----- Original Message ----- From: George Harris To: Sent: Tuesday, May 27,
>2003 7:32 PM Subject: Undesirable Noise from rear end
> > A fellow lister and I along with our respective wives went away for the
> > weekend to Limerock. Sorry we missed the other listers, but we did see >
>lots of Audis. > > While sitting in the rear, a whine that started above 10
>mph and was > definitely speed related, became a bit annoying. The owner
>thought that > the noise was due to his aggressive tire treads. The tire
>shop says it > isn't due to the tires, so we checked a few more things. > >
>The oil in the rear diff was low, so we topped it up. Noise still there. >
> > Checked all the CV boots, and there were no tears. > > The hubs were
>still cool after a high speed run, so it isn't obvious > that it is the
>bearings. > > With one rear wheel in air, there is a fair amount of play
>and some > noise in the drivetrain when I rotate the rear wheel. > > How
>would we determine what the problem is? > > The patient is a '95 Model 90
>Quattro with 140,000 Km on it. > > Cheers > George >

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