regarding lack of power...slight update

Bernard Littau bernardl at
Tue May 27 21:00:04 EDT 2003

Hi Michael,

Your description makes me think it might be ignition related -- in
particular the spark plug wires.  You might want to check for leakage using
the old water bottle with a mister spray late at night test.

When you replaced the head, you must have handled the spark plug wires,
which can make a set of borderline wires go bad.  If the wires are oldish,
you might consider just replacing them.  Plugs and rotor are also worth
taking a look at.


Bernard Littau
Woodinville, WA
'88 5ktq

> -----Original Message-----
> From: quattro-admin at [mailto:quattro-admin at] On
> Behalf Of Michael S. Williams
> Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2003 5:52 PM
> To: Eric; quattro at
> Subject: Re: regarding lack of power...slight update
> At 7:17 PM -0400 5/27/03, Eric wrote:
> >>Are you sure on your cam timing?  This can cause backfiring even
> >>just a few teeth off.  I suggest the cam because I have done it
> >>before.
> >
> >im almost 100% positive i have it completely correct... the little
> >hash mark lines up EXACTLY with the top of the gasket for the valve
> >cover, the 0 on the flywheel is looks like "(" as it it perfectly
> >lined up w/ the marker on the bell housing as the bently states to
> >do, and the distributor is spot on.
> >
> >now, i did try moving it a tooth counter-clockwise, which should be
> >retarding it, correct?  i did not, however, try advancing it a
> >tooth... but if i advanced it a tooth, then that would put the mark
> >on the cam gear way further down compared to where it is supposed to
> >be...
> >
> >i guess i could try advancing it a tooth and see if that helps at
> >all... i'll go do that now, and report back..
> ok... reporting back... i advanced it a tooth (well, turned it
> clockwise), from the position where i said that everything lined
> up... it started harder, and the idle is even worse... but, the
> backfiring stopped...
> took it out for a short drive... same issue... as soon as boost hits
> full, the power starts cutting way back... it felt slightly faster
> than last time, but that was probably just a function of the timing
> being so advanced... im gonna put the cam back to the previous
> setting...
> i forgot to mention in the first message that someone suggested a
> vacuum leak, but when i did the oil cap test, the car immediately
> died... so it doesnt appear that there is a major vacuum leak that is
> happening, and i dont think that a vacuum leak would cause the power
> issues...
> one thing that i DID notice, however, was that there was a slight
> <pfft> if i went from boost to closed throttle... so, that would
> indicate that there is a hole in some part of the intake plumbing...
> but if that were true, then wouldnt that register as a vacuum leak?
> once thecar cools down... or maybe justtomorrow, i'll undo the intake
> plumbing and see what's going on... i didnt notice this sound before,
> though... so it might be something that i JUST did during my last
> adjustment session (i did take off the intake plenum)
> btw, im bcc'ing this to the urq list, cause this is some new info
> that they havent seen...
> --
> MswmSwmsW
>      <<<->>>=<<<->>>=<<<->>>=<<<->>>=<<<->>>=<<<->>>=<<<->>>
> The solution is obvious.  We all have to become dumber. -Jon Rappoport
> So crucify the ego, before it's far too late
> To leave behind this place so negative and blind and cynical,
> And you will come to find that we are all one mind
> Capable of all that's imagined and all conceivable. - TooL, Reflection
>       <<<->>>=<<<->>>=<<<->>>=<<<->>>=<<<->>>=<<<->>>=<<<->>>

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