regarding lack of power...slight update

Michael S. Williams mike at
Tue May 27 21:22:00 EDT 2003

At 8:00 PM -0700 5/27/03, Bernard Littau wrote:
>Hi Michael,
>Your description makes me think it might be ignition related -- in
>particular the spark plug wires.  You might want to check for leakage using
>the old water bottle with a mister spray late at night test.

how do i do this? i spray water and look for sparks?

>When you replaced the head, you must have handled the spark plug wires,
>which can make a set of borderline wires go bad.  If the wires are oldish,
>you might consider just replacing them.  Plugs and rotor are also worth
>taking a look at.

the wires are the 'nology' wires that were installed by 2bennett when
they did the engine conversion a few years ago... they are supposed
to have a lifetime warranty or something... theyare the ones with the
grounding straps...  the locations i am using as grounds are:
cylinders 1 and 2 -- one of the bolts on the bracket that holds the
power steering pump on to the head.  for cylinder three, im using one
of the bolts that holds the fuel injector cooling blower motor on to
the head, and for cylinders 4 and 5, im using the stud that holds the
clamp for the distributor to keep it from turning...  it would seem
that those are good grounding locations, right?

the wires are a few years old, so maybe you are right...and theywere
just kind of sitting around for a couple years in my garage... <sigh>

how can i test them, other than the method that you mentioned above?

the plugs are brand new bosch 3 electrode plugs, and the cap and
rotor are brand new as well...

thank youfor the reply.... im glad that none of the suggestions are:
"you're engine's fried, man" heh..

i know it has to be SOMETHING superficial... fuel, air, or spark...

thanks, again... and lemme know if you have any other suggestions?

The solution is obvious.  We all have to become dumber. -Jon Rappoport

So crucify the ego, before it's far too late
To leave behind this place so negative and blind and cynical,
And you will come to find that we are all one mind
Capable of all that's imagined and all conceivable. - TooL, Reflection

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