Driving shaft rebuilting: U-joint

Denis sparkplugvw at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 20 14:51:00 EST 2003

 U-joint :
The part
"UAP NAPA 220-0013'' or 1-0013 from Neapco, same number from SKF (BTDT) for
1-0013 unit from toyota truck since 1968 on UAP store.
SKF dim.: 66mm x 26mm (theorical)  66,3mm x 26.0mm practice.
Audi unit: 70mm x 26 mm (hat) , 2mm spacers needed.

Washer spacer :  1 inch x (70mm - 66,3 mm )/2 = 1,85 mm , but its to tight ,
the u-joint rub a little, so i used 1.80mm spacers. I went to tool dealer
and mesure a box full of zinc plated washers from 1.4mm to 3mm ;-) ouffff.

Center bearing:

SS bracket done(15$ ;-)  ), pics available.

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