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Thu Nov 20 12:05:17 EST 2003
------Original Message------
From: John Cunningham <jcunning at>
To: Quattro List <quattro at>
Sent: September 1, 2000 3:42:48 AM GMT
Subject: CC success but airbag mistake.
OK so my new cruise control stalk loom works great, finally have
cruise. woo hoo. i'm tempted to go drive the mass pike all night at a
perfectly steady 70mph just cause i can.
BUT.. i forgot NOT to turn on the ignition while the bag was
disconnected. DOH! so now i have the annoying light on all the time and
presumably, no exploding gasbag to protect my carcass in the event of a
sudden unplanned decceleration. could have been worse, could have
shorted the headlight power to the airbag circuit by mistake and blown
my head off. i didn't even pull the wheel to do the job, just felt
better with the plug pulled while i worked in there...
any suggestions? i know supposedly i need to go to the dealer to have a
VAG tool clear it. will extended battery disconnection clear a code as
well, or is it protected by the airbag capacitor/battery setup? if i DO
blow the airbag will it go away? seems extreme, but it might be fun...
; )
early '89 200tqa
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