header ceramic/powder coated?

R Justin Andrews rjandrew at post.cis.smu.edu
Thu Nov 20 12:05:17 EST 2003

hello all..
I am putting a new motor in my 4kq and would like some more info
on ceramic coating/ powder coating my header... i know thatif i could keep
the heat away from the intake the care would have more power especially
when i start tweaking it out...

any advice or BTDT's would be greatly appreciated!

Rich Andrews

P.S. i think the bickering might actually be gone.. it'd be nice to come back
i have some nice pictures of my '86 zermatt silver 4kq on 16" TSW hockenheim's 
with h&r's if anyone's interested i'll email 'em...

4kquattro at excite.com

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