No subject

Thu Nov 20 12:05:17 EST 2003

cq, it's in a 90q20v here.........

it's one of only a few, if not the only one, of the engines of that type at 
that HP rating built by's supposedly a factory deal, not 

I can't remember where i saw the info and such, but I thought it was for sale 
recently as well ????

geez, 30 and my memory's gone....


In a message dated 6/6/01 11:19:22 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
quattro-request at writes:

<< On Wed, 6 Jun 2001, Peter Sperry wrote:
 > Does anyone have any info on his CQ with the super 20 valve engine in
 > it?  Related to my earlier post, I'd be curious to know what was done to
 > coax 275 ponies out of it.
 If the engine was a 20v turbo, then not much...a $500 chip.  If it's a 20v
 NA engine, I agree, I'd like to know too, that's fairly impressive :-)
 Brett >>

Wylie Bean
TheRingmeister at
Audi Brand Specialist
Flow Motors, Inc
Winston-Salem, NC
'90 coupe' quattro
'99.5 A4 Avant Sport 1.8TqTiptronic

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