83 5kt CIS fuel distributor cleaning

texactii at csonline.net texactii at csonline.net
Thu Nov 20 12:05:17 EST 2003

After receiving advise from Rob and Tom (thanks) that helped 
me understand the testing of the injectors, and the manual 
better, the results point to a problem with the fuel distributor.
 The manual says to replace it.  Has anyone done a cleaning, 
repair, or adjustment on the 83 5kt CIS fuel distributor?  The 
test of the injectors flow rate comparisons showed #'s 2,4,5 
are flowing excessively.  # 3 is slightly higher than # 1.  # 1
is within the spec range flow rate at the idle and WOT 
positions of the air plate.  I have never opened up, or made 
any adjustments to, the fuel distributor.

Tex Terry, II
83 5kt non-quattro
Franklin, PA USA

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