Should I Buy '93 90CS Quattro?

Elliott Potter epotter at
Thu Nov 20 12:05:17 EST 2003

Check out
for a list of things to check.

On Thu, 04 Oct 2001 08:32:33 -0400, Barry Lampke wrote:

> A friend in VT has a chance to buy a clean 1993 90CS Quattro with 130K miles for $7,000.  Recent repairs include:
>  timing belt, water pump
>  rear calipers
>  all exhaust, incl. converter
>  three (!) sets of Nokias (one with winter rims)
>  Given this is the first year of this style, are there any issues to be aware of?  Is this a good deal?  
>  Thanks!
>  Barry Lampke


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