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Thu Nov 20 12:05:17 EST 2003

IE, I "should" have noticed it on it's way out, but I did not.
Step on gas, snap, pedal goes to the floor, car idles nicely.

Doh.  Managed to rig it up with a bicycle brake pad(had a
stud/washers, took the short piece, pinched the cables
together, wedged the nub on the end of the cable
between a piece of steel on the tb linkage and the black
plastic cam-dealie - got me home), but even so,
that's an _annoying_ failure, and if you've got no way
to reconnect the cable, it turns into a really irritating
tow/leave the car & come back with a cable type thing.

Hopefully someone will find a fraying cable & catch it
before it becomes really inconvenient!

Iain Mannix

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