No subject
Thu Nov 20 12:05:17 EST 2003
>Typical, catering to the beer drinking,
Probably do more of that pre capita at Octoberfest in one day than during
any given week of Nascar.
> football watching,
Some use their feet, some use their hands, I'm not a big fan of either
but who am I to put anyone down for the pastime they enjoy. Beats
chasing a little white ball around a big field in my book, but to each
his own.
>classless masses.
If this is true, Nascar has achieved what all democracies are striving
>And when will we get to see the week long Paris - Dakar event?
Even countries that LOVE this event will at the most show clips of it
throughout the day, even relatives of the participants and sponsors would
be bored out of their sculls watching the thing from start to finish.
>What about the major F1 events?
I'm with you, after Big S (Senna) died this sport died for many.
>That's it, I'm done.
Maybe you should have stuck to beer.
I'm tired of this Elitist CRAP about Nascar. I'm no big fan either, but
as an aficionado of motoring pursuits (gearhead in classless mass speak)
I wouldn't pass on free tickets to a Nascar event, and I suspect neither
would any of the "washed masses", albeit they're probably going to pull
their NASCAR caps down low over their faces during camera sweeps, least
they be recognized by their friends who also Don't watch the races.
Cobram at Juno.Com
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