Carb cleaner and O-Rings

texactii at texactii at
Thu Nov 20 12:05:17 EST 2003

Tom - you mentioned using carb cleaner around the injector
seal o-rings, while you would be in the process of chasing
down a leak.  Carb cleaner will deform the o-rings.  If
you want to check to see if there is a leak around an
injector seal, get a butane torch  bottle, with the nozzle
(found at hardware store - used for repair copper pipe).  Don't
light the butane, just open the nozzle slightly and point it close
to the injector seal.  If there is a leak, the butane goes in,
the idle picks up.  Use caution to not let it ignite from sparks
or the exhaust manifold.

Tex Terry, II
83 5kt sedan (non-quattro)
Franklin, PA  USA

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