No subject

Thu Nov 20 12:05:17 EST 2003

people could use their cell phones to access specially formatted
databases (databasi?) of AUDI information.  Am I correct in this?

I thought so.  100% on topic.

Then, out of the blue, Scott J. lashed out at him and accused him of
off-topic posting, etc, and asked (demanded?) not only that he cease and
desist but that Dan and someone (not Brett, so I don't remember who)
chastise him for it.

I don't have a cell phone so I can't take advantage of this service, but
I can imagine how invaluable it would be to some.  A lot like going to
Scott M.'s web site, or digging through archive posts.

Then I got *really* confused when Dan *did* chime in and ask that it be
taken "private."

I am of the opinion (and we all know what they are worth!) that Phil has
not been improper at all, he has been generous, in this effort - even if
he is only doing it for his own convenience (like the reason I made my
web site) others may benefit.  I also think he has been wronged in the
initial alleged fiasco, and is being falsely maligned during its

And so where is he to turn for sympathy when he tries to do something
for the "community" and is asked to stop?

So all I can do is offer back that 60 degree ale he owes me :)

and ask everyone not to jump all over each other for no good reason

PS did you ever notice that 90% of the time when I screw up or forget
something it is Phil who adds the missing info?

Be careful out there, folks...

Huw Powell

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