Air fuel Stoich gauges

Marc Swanson mswanson at
Thu Nov 20 12:05:17 EST 2003

> A question for others who have installed 02 and A/f gauges into their UrQs
> or turbos.  I am running a heated 02 sensor along with an Autometer A/F
> gauge.  02 installed in main tube of 2 pc manifold. My question is do other
> with a "similar" setup get readings at all times?  After warm up, I only get
> readings during acceleration or deceleration.  AT warm idle I have no
> reading, blip the throttle and a quick reading.

It depends.. if you are running "full scale" lean (which isn't a big
deal at idle as those o2 sensors are pretty narrow band) or rich the
reading will sometimes go off the gauge so none of the LEDs are
illuminated.  My car usually shows something.. even if it is all the way
over to one side at idle, but I have seen it go off the gauge before.

What ground are you using for the gauge?  I noticed a big difference
when I switched from body ground to the actual o2 ground from the sheath
that follows the sensor and connects to the ECU.

> At cold start I have
> readings with a regular drop from rich to stoich to lean then nothing until
> acceleration.  I originally ran a single wire 02 and chalked this up to the
> sensor cooling off, so I went with a heated 02 sensor, (Bosch is offering
> $10 off 02 sensors through the end of the month, generic 3 wire currently
> $29 before rebate) Ideas?  Also WOT shows rich, but not show full rich, I
> can adjust this, but wonder what others have done.

Mine never showed full rich at WOT when I was running CIS in my 4ktq.
should be fine.


Marc Swanson, Software Engineer
Sonitrol Communications Corp.
Hartford, CT

Email: mswanson at
Phone: (860) 616-7036
 Cell: (603) 512-1267
  Fax: (860) 616-7589

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