Marc Swanson mswanson at
Thu Nov 20 12:05:17 EST 2003

> > Hmm, I just don't buy that the water and oil temps are as independent a=
s you're making
> Why not?

It is a time thing.. if oil temps briefly shot up to 150c I would expect
the coolant temps not to budge..

> > expecially considering oil temps are almost double what they should be
> at 150 C, they are about 25% over a comfortable 120 C.

while it is true that 150c isn't "dangerously" hot, it is still hotter
than what I could and probably should be running.

> > and the water temp hasn't budged a bit?  You've got oil and water all m=
oving around in the same aluminum head, water and oil temps are quite corre=
lated, you add more cooling capacity to either oil or water, and both temps=
 reflect the increase.  Something's not adding up here for me, I've never s=
een this IME.
> In all my experience, it is so common as to be second nature, almost.
> it's not the head that heats the oil to 150 C, it's the two *really* hot
> places it goes, which are the turbo and the backs of the pistons.  Of
> course the turbo is also water cooled, so it is not such a factor.
> However, the oil sprayed on the pistons gets some serious exposure to
> heat, and then *is not* water cooled before passing the temp sender.

yes, that's true.  and plus the specific heat of water is so damn high
that I can buy that you wouldn't see violent swings in the coolant
temps.. but eventually a 150c oil temp HAS to transfer some heat energy
to the coolant.

> BTW, when I did the WP/TB on my 90Q and ditched the aux radiator, the
> two temps took on a whole different set of inter-relationships.  Not
> that it mattered, everything was still happy.

I still don't have an oil temp gauge on  my 90q so I don't know how the
two were affected before/after I removed my Aux radiator...


Marc Swanson, Software Engineer
Sonitrol Communications Corp.
Hartford, CT

Email: mswanson at
Phone: (860) 616-7036
Pager: (860) 948-6713
 Cell: (603) 512-1267
  Fax: (860) 616-7589

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